Thursday, December 11, 2008

Two Recent Projects

1 comment:

Alan M. said...

Hi Joan, I was blessed with the opportunity to visit with you one Saturday morning at your shoppe in Reinbeck, and you were able to provide me with useful information on the art of calligraphy. The poetry I have written has evolved as very structured and spiritual, and I am blessed to have this spiritual gift to share with others. God Bless. Alan Muntz, Grinnell, Iowa.

O God Creator O'er Heaven Earth
O Christ Lord Saviour Giveth Second Birth

Starlight Silent Gloweth ; Angels Singing
Timeless Gospel Heareth ; Welkin Ringing
Angels Harken Heareth ; Saviour Neareth
Rejoice JESUS Neareth ; Castway Feareth

Behold Angels Singing ; Harken Heareth
Opened Treasure Beaming ; JESUS Neareth
Refrains Angels Singing ; Heaven Gleaming
Newlife Saviour Gleaming ; Afields Dreaming

Angels Hearken Heareth ; Heaven Singing
Newborn JESUS Neareth ; Welkin Ringing
Embrace Saviour Neareth ; Spirit Gloweth
Winter Starlight Gloweth ; Seasons Floweth

"O Star Born Anew"

21 December, 2008
