Monday, February 25, 2008

Last year at this time Lucky was a kitten being nurtured indoors due to the cold winter.  Since several months pass in between the times I take care of these cats, I am always amazed at how much he continues to grow.  He has grown into a very large and affectionate cat with rabbit-soft fur. Lucky and Phyllis, an equally soft little brindle-colored sweety, are always the first to greet me when I turn up at the farm.  They also beat me to the door, standing against it with their paws reaching for the door knob in hopes of dashing in to polish off the gourmet cat food that Sadie, the inside kitty, has left untouched.  On this sunny morning Lucky followed me down the road and hammed it up for the camera.  He seemed to know how beautiful he looked in contrast to the brilliant white of the snow.

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